This is speculative work developed while I was completing a Graduate Certificate in Advertising at the Queensland University of Technology.

The Problem

In 2015, Netflix had already been streaming in the US for eight years, and buzz about the service had finally made it across the pond to Australia. Expansion was inevitable. The people wanted access to popular movies and television series such as Frasier and Friends, plus new, original content such as House of Cards, Gotham, and Bojack Horseman. But Netflix needed a campaign, something to help them capitalize on the anticipation and mount a successful launch.

The Idea

What if there was a way to capture the information of the Australian consumers that were already interested in the Netflix service? What if Netflix could mobilize this consumer base into not only wanting the service, but demanding it?

The Execution

The ultimate lead generator - a national petition to bring Netflix to Australia. Hosted online on a custom-built landing page, consumers must provide their name and email address in order to sign. But how to get the word out?

An organized print and digital campaign directing consumers to the website by reminding them why they want the service. How? Well, just look at who else has signed:
